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Expand Your Blog Topic Universe With 2 Simple Google Search Tools

Sometimes I’m just not as creative as I’d like to be. As much as I love brainstorming and generating lists of all the things I want to blog about, sometimes I draw a blank or don’t feel like writing from my list. Those days when I want to write something fresh or turbo charge my brain power, I open Google. Not to surf or distract myself, but to get a different perspective.

Google looks so simple that it’s easy to overlook the built-in tools that allow you to expand and refine your searches right from your browser window.

Two of my favorite Google search tools are “Related Searches” and “Something Different.” They each open the universe of possibilities in different ways.

Inside My Toolbox: Drive Traffic to Your Website with Your Email Signature Using WiseStamp

Back in the days of our founding fathers, there was only one option for signing your documents: pen on paper or, if you wanted get really fancy, quill on parchment. And nobody did this better than John Hancock, which is why your sig is sometimes still called a John Hancock.

Luckily, today we have more options. You can sign things the old fashion way, electronically, or even with your thumbprint. But when it comes to email, most of us still rely on plain old text.

If you’re not using your email signature to dynamically funnel people back to your website, blog, and social media, you’re missing a huge opportunity. Every single email you send – regardless of whether it’s business or personal, formal or casual – is an opportunity to drive traffic right where you want it.

If you’re not using this valuable real estate, you’re losing potential fans and clients.

The #1 Thing You Should Be Writing About: How to Develop a Content Strategy for Your Blog and Social Media

If you’re not getting results with business blogging or using social media for business, don’t blame the tools. You probably haven’t designed a content strategy that will engage your target market around your specific topic.

Most people jump into blogging and social media and start posting content wily nily about whatever floats their fancy at that particular moment in time. The problem with this approach is that you may be writing about topics that have little to do with your products and services, so the audience that you’re building may not be interested in what you have to offer.

If you laser focus your posts around the #1 topic your work is about, you’ll drive targeted traffic to your website that is much more likely to buy from you. That doesn’t mean you can’t write about other things, but it does mean that you should choose sub-topics that relate to and support your #1 topic.