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Join the 30 Day “Breakthrough Year” Challenge

Isn’t it insane that 2014 is already just days away?

If you’re anything like me — you’ve got ambitious plans in your head to build your tribe. To start selling your products. To get more clients. Or simply to launch your new business in a huge way.

Your gaze is firmly locked on the future and you’re ready to get to work getting your important message for the world out in a MASSIVE way. I’ve seen that look before.

(And Lord knows I’ve had that look before, many times…)

But sometime between January 1st and February 1st, we always seem to get “derailed”, don’t we?

Your to-do list explodes. Start-of-year fires need to be put out. Life happens.

It’s easy to get pulled off course and pushed off purpose.

Well – here’s what you can do about it *right now* so 2014 turns out different…

3 Irresistible Strategies to Stand Out & Be Memorable at Any Seminar, Conference or Live Event

Baa baa moo bleet.

Ever felt lost in the pack at a seminar, conference or live event?

Like one among many or just another “butt in a seat”?

Well, try being the shortest woman in the room…

At 4’11 ¼”, I’ve had people look past me, through me or even over my head without noticing me.

So, over the years I’ve cultivated my personal brand mojo and developed some pretty irresistible strategies for instantly getting noticed in a crowd — by the right people… in the right ways.

The 3 biggest ways to stand out and be memorable in a crowd are:

How you look – your physical appearance and sense of style
How you show up – your personality, energy and enthusiasm
What you give away – your business cards or other materials
(These strategies also work great on video!)

So let’s dive into each of these for a moment.